
Product designDesign thinkingCandidate project

LinkedIn 2023


Technical test to assess problem-solving skills and how to approach the steps: discover -> define -> design -> deliver.
The objective was to identify a significant pain point in an existing B2B software platform in daily use. A feature of a management platform.


I chose Linkedin because of my recent activity with this software. I analysed the Premium version and surveyed with some assumptions.
Focusing on the jobseeker process, the platform doesn't provide clear information about a specific opportunity that helps to be proactive to improve, with a lack of visibility into the process, causing anxiety and a feeling of being unprepared.
My solution is to give visibility to the recruiter using data. % of responses, % of candidates that the recruiter manages to contact, etc...this way, the jobseeker can manage their expectations.
This feature would be included after the job opportunity description.


March 2023

My roles

Product designer
Project manager
User interface designer

Teamwork partners

Marina Cotanda
Dominika Gluchowska

Tools & methods


Thanks for your time,
I’m always happy to meet new people.
Say hi!